Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 Players Who Buy MW2 Will Get Extra XP Until October 2023

Published at: 10/11/2022
Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 Players Who Buy MW2 Will Get Extra XP Until October 2023

Activision has announced a special perk for those who own Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II to encourage them to jump into Warzone 2.


In a blog post, Activision announced that all Modern Warfare II owners will get "premium XP" in Warzone 2.


At the end of each Warzone 2.

0 match, everyone who owns MW2 will get "additional XP" beyond the normal per-match XP.

Activision did no specify the exact XP multiplier that will be in place, but the company assured everyone that it'll be greater than standard XP progression.

A "Level Up" trailer hyping up this promotion includes disclaimer text that specifies that this increased XP payout in Warzone 2.

0 for MW2 owners is good through October 2023.

As such, anyone who owns MW2 and plays Warzone 2.

0 will level up faster than everyone else for a good amount of time.

Warzone 2.

0 releases on November 16, which is also the day that Season 1 begins for both Warzone 2.

0 and Modern Warfare II.

For more, check out what to expect from Season 1 in MW2 and Warzone 2.


The original Warzone is being taken offline for 12 days, losing a lot of content, and dropping other features with the launch of Warzone 2.

0, presumably in a bid to encourage people to play the new game.

Modern Warfare II is the fastest-selling Call of Duty game in history, bringing in $800 million in three days and $1 billion after its first 10 days on the market.

In 2023, Activision will have another "premium" Call of Duty release, but it might not be a brand-new game.

Source: GameSpot