One recently elected NI mayor catches 4am flight and queues for six hours to represent borough at Queen’s lying-in-state

Published at: 14/09/2022
One recently elected NI mayor catches 4am flight and queues for six hours to represent borough at Queen’s lying-in-state

The DUP's Ivor Wallace wearing his chain of office at Westminster Hall One Northern Ireland politician has gone above and beyond the call of duty in his efforts to represent his borough.

Among the visitors to Buckingham Palace yesterday was the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.

The DUP’s Ivor Wallace (60) caught a flight into London at 4am to represent the borough after being elected mayor in June of this year.

He was spotted wearing his chain of office on the BBC’s live coverage of the public viewing the Queen’s coffin at Westminster Hall.

He queued for six hours to attend the Queen’s lying-in-state, something he said was a “very emotional experience”.

Mr Wallace added: “She was just always there and the person that everybody looked up to.

She was a grandmother figure to most people.”

Source: Belfast Telegraph