Who Will Answer the Call of Duty Tomorrow?

Published at: 31/10/2022
Who Will Answer the Call of Duty Tomorrow?

In their pitch to prospective service members (“Uncle Sam Wants You for a Military Job That Matters,” op-ed, Oct.

25), Christine Wormuth , Frank Kendall and Carlos Del Toro , secretaries of the Army, Air Force and Navy, overlook a critical cause of the recruiting crisis.

The applicant pool is a generation that has been raised to, at best, question America’s worth, and at worst, deplore its existence.

It isn’t surprising that these young Americans are increasingly uninterested in wearing the uniform.

No number of diversity, equity and inclusion trainings will restore this missing national pride.

Fortunately, America still produces men and women willing and able to serve.

This was evident last year in Kabul, where young Marines stared down evil and death, offering hope and life.

And it was true 10 years ago in Kandahar of the soldiers who saved my life after an IED blast took my legs.

But if American society and culture continues to teach our sons and daughters that this country isn’t worth defending, then I fear the next generation of capable Americans may not care to answer the call of duty.

Source: The Wall Street Journal